

Curriculum of Diploma III Program of Nursing of University of Muhammadiyah Malang uses the National Curriculum on 2005. It is devided into 5 group of courses generally in :

  1. Self Growth Course (MPK) is intended to give insight enrichment, intensifying, and self-building. Especially, it is based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah value.
  2. Scientific Knowledge and Skill Course (MKK) is intended to strengthen student's competence and enlarge their knowledge in the field of Nursing. 
  3. Professional Course (MKB) is intended to strengthen and enrich student's competence when they are involved in the society.  
  4. Work Comportment Course is intended to strengthen student's competence and work fit to society condition.
  5. Social Life Course (MBB) is intended to support an attempt of comprehension and mastering some provisions in social life.

Semester I

No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0210300640 Fisika dan Biologi 2
2. 0110301731 Pancasila dan Kewiraan 2
3. 0210300122 Anatomi Fisiologi 4
4. 0410301235 Konsep Dasar Keperawatan 4
5. 0410301054 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia I 4
6. 0110300189 Bahasa Indonesia 2
7. 0210300876 Ilmu Gizi 2
8. 0110300044 AIK I 1
9. 0110300203 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan I 2
Jumlah 23



Semester II
No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0420300537 Etika Keperawatan Islam 2
2. 0210300242 Biokimia 2
3. 0210301639 Mikrobiologi dan Parasitologi 2
4. 0510302682 Sosiologi 2
5. 0410301055 Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia II 6
6. 0210300575 Farmakologi 2
7. 0210302402 Psikologi 2
8. 0120300045 AIK II 1
9. 0220301759 Pelayanan Prima Islami 1
10. 0120300204 Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II 2
Jumlah 22


Semester III


No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0410301214 Komunikasi Dalam Keperawatan 2
2. 0410302372 Promosi Kesehatan 2
3. 0410300395 Dokumentasi Keperawatan 2
4. 0310301121 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah I 5
5. 0410301127 Keperawatan Profesional 2
6. 0310301099 Keperawatan Jiwa I 4
7. 0120300046 AIK III 1
8. 0210301746 Patologi 3
Jumlah 21


Semester IV


No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0310301122 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah II 6
2. 0310301091 Keperawatan Anak I 4
3. 0310301118 Keperawatan Maternitas I 4
4. 0410301962 Pengantar Riset Keperawatan 2
5. 0120300047 AIK IV 1
6. 0510301082 Kepemimpinan & Manajemen Keperawatan 3
Jumlah 20


Semester V


No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0310301104 Keperawatan Keluarga 2
2. 0310301096 Keperawatan Gerontik 2
3. 0310301113 Keperawatan Komunitas I 4
4. 0320301265 Laboratorium Ketrampilan Keperawatan 2
5. 0310301102 Keperawatan Kegawatdaruratan I 2
Jumlah 12


Semester VI


No. Kode Mata Kuliah SKS
1. 0310301100 Keperawatan Jiwa II 2
2. 0310301119 Keperawatan Maternitas II 2
3. 0310301123 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah III 2
4. 0310301124 Keperawatan Medikal Bedah IV 4
5. 0310301114 Keperawatan Komunitas II 2
6. 0310301092 Keperawatan Anak II 2
7. 0310301103 Keperawatan Kegawatdaruratan II 1
8. 0310301036 Karya Tulis Ilmiah 4
Jumlah 19